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What is Meditation



Once you understand what meditation is, things become very clear. Otherwise you can go on groping in the dark.


Meditation is a state of clarity, not a state of mind. Mind is confusion. Mind is never clear. It cannot be. Thoughts create clouds around you – they are subtle clouds.

A mist is created by them, and then clarity is lost.


When thoughts disappear, when there are no more clouds around you, when you are in your simple beingness, clarity happens.


Then you can see far away; then you can see to the very end of existence; then your gaze becomes penetrating – to the very core of the being.


Meditation is clarity, absolutely clarity of vision. You cannot think about it. You have to drop thinking.



Many meditative techniques require one to sit still and silent. but Active Meditations have been designed  to enable us to consciously express and experience repressed feelings and emotions, and learn the knack of watching our habitual patterns in a new way.

The Imediate Benifits of Active Meditation are:


  • Inner peace and silence.

  • Stress management through raising own our stress resistance.

  • changing our reactions to things that disturb us.

  • Freedom from habits and addictions.

  • Improved health through cleansing of our subtle system.

  • Changed priorities.


Longer Term Meditation Benifits


Benefits of Meditation


Practicing meditation helps you to slow your breath, quiet your mind, and find peace, it can be beneficial physically, mentally, and emotionally. Meditation is now commonly used to treat mental health disorders, addiction, and everyday stress, as well as to heal physical ailments and promote better sleep.


Physical Benefits


Meditation Stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system, or the branch of your peripheral nervous system that helps your body return to a calm, relaxed state after the threat of danger, or even daily stress, has passed. When this branch is activated, your body can naturally rejuvenate, repair, and rebuild itself.

Meditation clears your mind for better quality sleep.It improves athletic performance by refining your ability to focus on a goal or situation

Slows your respiration for longer, deeper breaths.

Boosts your immune system by slowing the production of the stress hormone cortisol.


Mental and Emotional Benefits


Meditation Reduces anxiety and depression by enabling your body to balance its own neurochemical system. Meditation allows you to make better decisions and improve critical thinking.It can help Break unhealthy habits by helping you detach emotions associated with an action from the action itself. When  you let go of the past and the future, you live 100 percent in the now, which affects all aspects of your life and relationships


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